Unenforceable obligations, 425.306
Violations of law, misdemeanor, 425.401
contagious diseases CONTAGIOUS DISEASES
See Diseases
contempt CONTEMPT
Generally, Ch. 785
Administrative actions, 785.06
Administrative and other hearings, failure to attend, refusal to testify, 885.12
Appeal, 785.03 (3)
Arrest, procedure, 818.01 (2)
Court commissioners, 785.06
Court's power to punish for contempt of court, 785.02
Definitions, 785.01
Habeas corpus, to test commitment, 782.02
Imprisonment, limitation on, 785.05
Judgment, refusal to comply, 815.02
Law, practicing without license, 757.30
Legislature, IV, 8
Defined, 13.26
Where prosecuted, penalty, 13.27
Municipal court, 785.06, 800.12
Procedure, 785.03
Sanctions authorized, 785.04
Service of process, 801.14 (2)
Failure to attend, attachment, punishment, 885.11, 885.12
Inquest witness, 979.07
contingent estates CONTINGENT ESTATES
continuing care contracts CONTINUING CARE CONTRACTS
Generally, Ch. 647
contraceptive articles CONTRACEPTIVE ARTICLES
Vending machines:
Display or advertisement to minors, 450.155
Sale prohibited in public schools, 450.16
contractors CONTRACTORS
Action by, noncompliance with commerce department orders a defense to, 101.02 (11)
Air conditioning, heating and ventilation; registration and licensure, 101.178
Certificates, payment for public improvements, 66.0713 (2)
Construction lien law, 779.01 to 779.17
Electric wiring regulations, 101.865
Extra compensation by state, not allowed, IV, 26
Fiduciaries, 112.01
Financial responsibility certification, 101.654
Financial responsibility council, 15.157 (4), 101.625
Joint, not affected by new promise of another, 893.47
Migrant labor contractor, registration, duties, prohibited activities, 103.91
Mortgage proceeds, trust fund, 706.11 (3), 779.02 (5)
Nonresident, surety bond to revenue dept., 71.80
Plumbers, see Plumbing
Prime, defined, 779.01 (2)
Wage scale, public works:
Municipal contracts, 66.0903
State contracts, 103.49, 103.50
Worker's compensation, joint liability, 102.06
contracts CONTRACTS
See also Commercial Code
Note: For specific types of contracts, refer to the subject heading for that subject, e.g., for agricultural marketing contracts, see Agriculture and Farming
Action on:
For recovery of money, defendant fails to join issue, default, 806.02 (4)
Limitations, see Statutes of Limitation
Parties, 803.01 (2)
Pleadings in special cases:
Conditions precedent, 802.03 (2)
Sales, 802.03 (7)
Tender, procedure, 895.14
Air, contracts made in flight, 114.08
Gambling, void, 895.055
Incompetents, specific performance, 786.02 to 786.05
Joint obligations act, Ch. 113
Performance of, how pleaded, 802.03 (3)
Seal, when presumptive evidence of consideration, 891.27
Statutes of frauds:
Acknowledgment or new promise, 893.45
Leases for more than one year, 704.03
Real estate agency contracts, commissions, 240.10
Real property, 706.02
Writing required, 241.02
Wards, incompetent, spendthrift, void when, 880.215
Written, presumption of joint liability, 891.30
contribution CONTRIBUTION
Action for, statute of limitations, 893.92
Affidavit to preserve lien for, 815.62
Among judgment debtors, 815.59, 815.61
Heirs may have, conditions, 877.20
Joint obligations act, Ch. 113
Judgment lien, how preserved, 815.62
Lands sold on execution, 815.59, 815.61